NixCon 2024

NixCon 2024, 25-27th October Berlin, Germany

As part of NixCon 2024, we invite anyone to give talks and organize workshops!

You can either apply here via Pretalx, or via email, please see the CfP announcement post on the Nixos Discourse:

We welcome any content that is Nix related, beginner or advanced we do not have any major restrictions besides that.

Note: If your submission gets accepted, you still need a NixCon 2024 ticket:


Please include in your application:
- abstract
- target audience
- examples: beginner developer, advanced NixOS user, professional system administrator, be creative if you have to)
- duration of your talk
- examples: 5min lightning talk, 45min lecture, 10 hours marathon (this will most likely be rejected)
- preferred day and/or time of day


Please include in your application:
- type of workshop
- target audience
- examples: beginner developer, advanced NixOS user, professional system administrator, be creative if you have to
- duration of the workshop
- examples: 1 hour, 3 hours, one day, multiple days, etc.
- preferred day and/or time of day
- any further details about how you would like to run your workshop


You can submit your talk/workshop application up until 2024-09-19T23:59:59Z.
We will let you know if your talk has been accepted/rejected by 2024-10-11T23:59:59Z

You can enter proposals until 2024-09-19 23:59 (UTC), 2 days, 9 hours from now.