NixCon 2024

Developer environment for a web project using
2024-10-26 , Woanders

We'll guide you through Nixification of a project using

We'll take a project using PostgreSQL and application server written in Rust.

We'll convert it into devenv/Nix by following what docker compose is doing.

During the conversion we'll explain common features of devenv.

At the end of the workshop you should know enough to go through the same process yourself on your own projects.

What level of experience in Nix is the talk addressed to?


My journey with Nix started in 2012 and I've been continuously contributing in my free time ever since.

I was lucky enough to go full-time Nix in 2016, packaging up OpenStack in Nix and writing end-to-end tests with a few different scenarios.

In 2016, I founded Enlambda consulting. It helped many clients like Snabb and IOHK adopt Nix and enabled them to solve complex software distribution problems in our industry.

In 2018, I launched Cachix to accelerate Nix adoption by focusing on infrastructure and education.

This speaker also appears in:

devenv maintainer / swe @ cachix